
Cocktail table / barricade / Sofa / Rostrum

NC Canopy also provides rental equipment such as cocktail table, barricade, queue stand, Sofa, rostrum, projector to full fill your event equipment for your events.Our rates are usually include with installation and transport subject to your location area.

IMG 20220911 WA0006 1 300x169 - Others IMG 20220911 WA0009 1 300x225 - Others

Barricade / Queue stand

queue stand pole stand stainle 1646297125 e43aa2c4 300x300 - Others IMG 20231017 WA0006 131x300 - Others


Sofas / Rostrum

IMG 20220920 WA0044 1 300x169 - Others IMG 20220920 WA0048 1 300x142 - Others IMG 20220926 WA0072 1 225x300 - Others