Marquee Tent Rental

Marquee Tent rental

Marquee tent is for events that require great capacity whether for weddings, expos, festivals and more. It has two types of canvas material either normal pvc masteron online or transparent. NC offers marquee tent rentals from size 10 meters to 15 meters A gate(front size) and from 3 blocks to maximum 25 blocks for large events.

82078623 135797244268411 979123999411798016 n 300x139 - Marquee Tent Rental 84983573 182031743138911 1410976698962280448 n 300x139 - Marquee Tent Rental 85082513 481778312730697 4840833020569059328 n 300x150 - Marquee Tent Rental

84258118 1436859703143485 5838670810964819968 n 300x169 - Marquee Tent Rental 84972263 2764894813592036 4279866891066933248 n 300x169 - Marquee Tent Rental 85224345 195805191624832 5433721558923214848 n 300x169 - Marquee Tent Rental

Transparent marquee Tent Rental

83910867 129545788306739 8808168412955017216 n 300x300 - Marquee Tent Rental 84118789 2648311705452685 5264476405529313280 n 300x225 - Marquee Tent Rental